Does PTSD Impair Cognition 

Beyond the Effect of Trauma?

The First Wave Stop the Stigma

The Quite Crisis

How first responders will help fill the trauma-informed therapy gap.

Healthy Place Blog

Trauma! A PTSD Blog

Trauma! A PTSD Blog focuses on the mental health aspects of psychological trauma, physical trauma, living and coping with PTSD, healing from PTSD. Join us.

Mental Health for the Digital Generation

Comprehensive information on mental health, psychological disorders, mental health treatment. Psychological tests, support groups, mental health videos, more.

Harvard Health Blog

Have you exfoliated lately?

Exfoliation — the process of removing dead cells from the skin's outer layer — can make skin glow, help even out coloring, and offer other benefits, but it can also irritate or i...

PTSD: How is treatment changing?

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a potentially debilitating mental health condition marked by recurrent, frightening episodes during which a person relives a traumatic event. Newly r...

A bird flu primer: What to know and do

A bird flu strain that began circulating in 2020 continues to evolve globally and locally within the United States. If you're wondering what this means, understanding the basics — ...