Workplace Wellness


We help employees manage stress and develop
coping skills for enhanced mental health
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We Support Employees in High Stress Occupations

First Responders, Health Care Workers, Trust & Safety, and Other Industries
Our services include wellness training, program funding
assistance and 911 center technology sourcing
Are Your Employees Struggling With
Stress or Trauma?
Research shows that there are emotional and physical effects to individuals serving as first responders, 911 operators, health care professionals, trust and safety specialists, and other stressful occupations. These individuals often experience significant stress and trauma due to the nature of their work as they face emotionally challenging situations, witness distressing events, and deal with high-pressure scenarios on a regular basis. This can lead to various mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, and burnout.
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We Design Wellness Programs and Deliver the Training You Need

At Wellness Support Alliance we offer trauma-informed education, resilience training, and support to mitigate the effects of stress and trauma for individuals and their families. Our programs are designed to meet the varying needs of first responders, corporations, federal, state, and local agencies. We empower individuals to enhance their mental wellness by fostering resilience, promoting self-care, and supporting sustainability.
Learn More

Introductory and Advanced
Wellness Training


Trauma Informed Awareness

Wellness and Coping Skills

Stress and Trauma Symptoms

Stress Management


Self-Care and Productivity

Skill Building and Resilience



Trauma Informed Workforce Management


Heat Rate Variability 


Cooperative Incident Preparedness 


Behavioral Health Preparedness


Peer Facilitator

Your Path to

Starts Here

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