Building Resilient Workplaces Together

Welcome to Wellness Support Alliance

At Wellness Support Alliance, we understand the profound impact that stress and trauma can have on individuals, communities, and workplaces. That's why we're dedicated to providing education, training, and support services to empower those affected by these challenges.

Our Mission
To offer comprehensive wellness programs centered around education, prevention, and early detection. We believe that by equipping individuals with the knowledge to be trauma-informed, manage stress, and overcome trauma we can create healthier, more resilient workplaces and communities.

Empowerment: We are committed to empowering individuals and organizations to take control of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being through education, training, and support.

Resilience: We promote resilience as a core value, helping individuals and organizations build the strength and capacity to overcome adversity, bounce back from setbacks, and thrive in the face of challenges.

Community: We believe in the power of community and peer support, fostering connections and networks that provide encouragement, solidarity, and shared experiences on the path to wellness.

Collaboration: We value collaboration and partnership, working together with clients, stakeholders, and communities to create wellness solutions that address their specific needs.

Adaptability: We recognize the ever-changing nature of wellness needs and challenges, and we remain flexible and adaptable in our approach to meet the evolving needs of our clients and communities.

Why Choose Wellness Support Alliance?

The Wellness Support Alliance was founded to empower wellness in the workplace through trauma-informed education, training, and support. Our programs are designed to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to effectively navigate through stress and trauma challenges. From specialized wellness training for first responders, agencies and corporations to certifications and peer facilitator training, we provide a comprehensive approach to wellness that addresses the unique needs of each individual and organization.

By fostering resilience, promoting self-care, and facilitating access to vital support networks, we empower our clients to overcome adversity and thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

Our Differentiators:

  • Training Program Development: Customized end-to-end programs, training curriculums, and peer facilitator training designed to address the unique needs of individuals and organizations.
  • Evidence-Based Approach: Programs grounded in scientific research and best practices, ensuring effectiveness and credibility in addressing stress, trauma, and PTSD.
  • Comprehensive Wellness Programs: Encompassing education, prevention, and early detection strategies for promoting overall well-being.
  • Expert-Led Training: Specialized training sessions led by experienced professionals in stress management, trauma response, and PTSD awareness.
  • Continuous Support: Ongoing support and follow-up services to ensure sustained progress and growth beyond initial training sessions.
  • Positive Impact: Tangible improvements in mental health, job performance, and overall quality of life for individuals and organizations alike.

Leadership Team

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Joe Camarillo
Co-Founder and CEO
Joe oversees wellness support services, business operations and strategic partnership development. He brings over 18 years of experience in program operations and has consulting expertise with call center operations and technology. As a wellness in the workforce advocate, he has a passion for helping those working in stressful occupations to overcome the effects of stress and trauma.
Norma Villanueva
Co-Founder and Clinical Director
Dr. Norma Villanueva designs programs and training to meet the needs of clients of all sizes. She has a PhD in Psychology and has earned credentials in social work as an LCSW-S and DCSW. Norma brings over 30 years of experience as a therapist, trainer, and program designer. She has a passion for assisting in preventing and managing trauma symptoms and empowering clients and organizations.